RPyC Release Process

A walkthrough of doing a RPyC Release.

  1. Ensure a clean and current build environment (i.e., git pull; git status)

  2. Describe commit history within CHANGELOG.rst (see Generate Entry)

  3. Update release_date in rpyc/version.py and bump version (Semantic Versioning and Versioning using Hatch)

  4. Verify changes and run export ver=$(python -c 'import rpyc; print(rpyc.__version__)'), git add ., and git push.

  5. Create an Annotated tag: git tag -a ${ver} -m "Updated CHANGELOG.rst and version for release ${ver}"

  6. Publish release tag: git push origin ${ver}

  7. Install hatch: pyenv exec pip install hatch

  8. Clean up any old build artifacts: git clean -Xf -- dist/

  9. Create a wheel package: pyenv exec hatch -v build

  10. Upload the wheel package: pyenv exec hatch -v publish --user=__token__ --auth=${pypi_token} ; history -c && history -w

  11. Create new release such that the notes are from CHANGELOG.rst entry (%s/`#/#/g and %s/`_//g)

  12. Make sure to add the wheel as an attachment to the release and you are done!

Generate CHANGELOG.rst Entry

To create an initial entry draft, run some shell commands.

revisions="$(git rev-list $(hatch version)..HEAD | sed -z 's/\(.*\)\n/\1/;s/\n/|/g')"
numbers=( $(git log $(hatch version)..HEAD --no-merges --oneline | sed -nE 's/^.*#([0-9]+).*/\1/p' | sort -nu) )
issue_numbers="$(echo "${numbers[@]}" | sed 's/ /|/g')"
api_filter() {
    jq -rc ".[] | select( .${1} | . != null) | select(.${1} | tostring | test(\"${2}\"))" "${3}"
curl "${url}/issues?${params}" > "${tmp_issues}"
curl "${url}/pulls?${params}" > "${tmp_pulls}"
# Pulls
gh_numbers=( )
bullets=( )
url_refs=( )
while IFS= read -r pull; do
    title="$(echo "${pull}" | jq -r .title)"
    number="$(echo "${pull}" | jq -r .number)"
    pull_url="$(echo "${pull}" | jq -r .html_url)"
    # Add GH number
    gh_numbers+=( "${number}" )
    # Add bullet
    bullets+=( "- \`#${number}\`_ ${title}" )
    # Add url ref
    url_ref=".. _#${number}: ${pull_url}"
    url_refs+=( "${url_ref}" )
done <<< "$(api_filter "merge_commit_sha" "${revisions}" "${tmp_pulls}")"
# Issues
while IFS= read -r issue; do
    title="$(echo "${issue}" | jq -r .title)"
    number="$(echo "${issue}" | jq -r .number)"
    issue_url="$(echo "${issue}" | jq -r .html_url)"
    # Add bullet
    bullets+=( "- \`#${number}\`_ ${title}" )
    # Add url ref
    url_ref=".. _#${number}: ${issue_url}"
    url_refs+=( "${url_ref}" )
done <<< "$(api_filter "number" "${issue_numbers}" "${tmp_issues}")"

# Header
printf '5.X.Y\n=====\n'
printf 'Date: %s\n\n' "$(date --rfc-3339=date)"
for bullet in "${bullets[@]}"; do
    printf '%s\n' "${bullet}"
printf '\n'
for ref in "${url_refs[@]}"; do
    printf '%s\n' "${ref}"

Once insert this entry at the top of CHANGELOG.rst, review what it looks like with instant-rst.

instantRst -b chromium -p 8612 -f "CHANGELOG.rst"

Misc. References