Source code for rpyc.utils.server

rpyc plug-in server (threaded or forking)
import sys
import os
import socket
import time
import threading  # noqa: F401
import errno
import logging
from contextlib import closing
    import Queue
except ImportError:
    import queue as Queue
from rpyc.core import SocketStream, Channel
from rpyc.utils.registry import UDPRegistryClient
from rpyc.utils.authenticators import AuthenticationError
from rpyc.lib import safe_import, spawn, spawn_waitready
from rpyc.lib.compat import poll, get_exc_errno
signal = safe_import("signal")
gevent = safe_import("gevent")

[docs] class Server(object): """Base server implementation :param service: the :class:`~rpyc.core.service.Service` to expose :param hostname: the host to bind to. By default, the 'wildcard address' is used to listen on all interfaces. if not properly secured, the server can receive traffic from unintended or even malicious sources. :param ipv6: whether to create an IPv6 or IPv4 socket. The default is IPv4 :param port: the TCP port to bind to :param backlog: the socket's backlog (passed to ``listen()``) :param reuse_addr: whether or not to create the socket with the ``SO_REUSEADDR`` option set. :param authenticator: the :ref:`api-authenticators` to use. If ``None``, no authentication is performed. :param registrar: the :class:`~rpyc.utils.registry.RegistryClient` to use. If ``None``, a default :class:`~rpyc.utils.registry.UDPRegistryClient` will be used :param auto_register: whether or not to register using the *registrar*. By default, the server will attempt to register only if a registrar was explicitly given. :param protocol_config: the :data:`configuration dictionary <rpyc.core.protocol.DEFAULT_CONFIG>` that is passed to the RPyC connection :param logger: the ``logger`` to use (of the built-in ``logging`` module). If ``None``, a default logger will be created. :param listener_timeout: the timeout of the listener socket; set to ``None`` to disable (e.g. on embedded platforms with limited battery) """ def __init__(self, service, hostname=None, ipv6=False, port=0, backlog=socket.SOMAXCONN, reuse_addr=True, authenticator=None, registrar=None, auto_register=None, protocol_config=None, logger=None, listener_timeout=0.5, socket_path=None): = False self._closed = False self.service = service self.authenticator = authenticator self.backlog = backlog if auto_register is None: self.auto_register = bool(registrar) else: self.auto_register = auto_register if protocol_config is None: protocol_config = {} self.protocol_config = protocol_config self.clients = set() if socket_path is not None: if hostname is not None or port != 0 or ipv6 is not False: raise ValueError("socket_path is mutually exclusive with: hostname, port, ipv6") self.listener = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.listener.bind(socket_path) # set the self.port to the path as it's used for the registry and logging, self.port = "", socket_path else: if ipv6: family = socket.AF_INET6 else: family = socket.AF_INET self.listener = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) address = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, port, family=family, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto=socket.IPPROTO_TCP, flags=socket.AI_PASSIVE)[0][-1] if reuse_addr and sys.platform != "win32": # warning: reuseaddr is not what you'd expect on windows! # it allows you to bind an already bound port, resulting in # "unexpected behavior" (quoting MSDN) self.listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.listener.bind(address) self.listener.settimeout(listener_timeout) # hack for IPv6 (the tuple can be longer than 2) sockname = self.listener.getsockname(), self.port = sockname[0], sockname[1] if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger(f"{self.service.get_service_name()}/{self.port}") self.logger = logger if "logger" not in self.protocol_config: self.protocol_config["logger"] = self.logger if registrar is None: registrar = UDPRegistryClient(logger=self.logger) self.registrar = registrar
[docs] def close(self): """Closes (terminates) the server and all of its clients. If applicable, also unregisters from the registry server""" if self._closed: return = False if self.auto_register: try: self.registrar.unregister(self.port) except Exception: self.logger.exception("error unregistering services") try: self.listener.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except (EnvironmentError, socket.error): pass self.listener.close()"listener closed") for c in set(self.clients): try: c.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except Exception: pass c.close() self.clients.clear() self._closed = True
[docs] def fileno(self): """returns the listener socket's file descriptor""" return self.listener.fileno()
[docs] def accept(self): """accepts an incoming socket connection (blocking)""" while try: sock, addrinfo = self.listener.accept() except socket.timeout: pass except socket.error: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] if get_exc_errno(ex) in (errno.EINTR, errno.EAGAIN): pass else: raise EOFError() else: break if not return sock.setblocking(True)"accepted {addrinfo} with fd {sock.fileno()}") self.clients.add(sock) self._accept_method(sock)
def _accept_method(self, sock): """this method should start a thread, fork a child process, or anything else in order to serve the client. once the mechanism has been created, it should invoke _authenticate_and_serve_client with `sock` as the argument""" raise NotImplementedError def _authenticate_and_serve_client(self, sock): try: if self.authenticator: addrinfo = sock.getpeername() try: sock2, credentials = self.authenticator(sock) except AuthenticationError:"{addrinfo} failed to authenticate... rejecting connection") return else:"{addrinfo} authenticated successfully") else: credentials = None sock2 = sock try: self._serve_client(sock2, credentials) except Exception: self.logger.exception("client connection terminated abruptly") raise finally: try: sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except Exception: pass closing(sock) self.clients.discard(sock) def _serve_client(self, sock, credentials): addrinfo = sock.getpeername() if credentials:"welcome {addrinfo} ({credentials!r})") else:"welcome {addrinfo}") try: config = dict(self.protocol_config, credentials=credentials, endpoints=(sock.getsockname(), addrinfo), logger=self.logger) conn = self.service._connect(Channel(SocketStream(sock)), config) self._handle_connection(conn) finally:"goodbye {addrinfo}") def _handle_connection(self, conn): """This methoed should implement the server's logic.""" conn.serve_all() def _bg_register(self): interval = self.registrar.REREGISTER_INTERVAL"started background auto-register thread " f"(interval = {interval})") tnext = 0 try: while t = time.time() if t >= tnext: did_register = False aliases = self.service.get_service_aliases() try: did_register = self.registrar.register(aliases, self.port, except Exception: self.logger.exception("error registering services") # If registration worked out, retry to register again after # interval time. Otherwise, try to register soon again. if did_register: tnext = t + interval else:"registering services did not work - retry") time.sleep(1) finally: if not self._closed:"background auto-register thread finished") def _listen(self): if return self.listener.listen(self.backlog) # On Jython, if binding to port 0, we can get the correct port only # once `listen()` was called, see #156: if not self.port: # Note that for AF_UNIX the following won't work (but we are safe # since we already saved the socket_path into self.port): self.port = self.listener.getsockname()[1]"server started on [{}]:{self.port}") = True def _register(self): if self.auto_register: spawn(self._bg_register)
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the server (blocking). Use :meth:`close` to stop""" self._listen() self._register() try: while self.accept() except EOFError: pass # server closed by another thread except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") self.logger.warn("keyboard interrupt!") finally:"server has terminated") self.close()
def _start_in_thread(self): """ Start the server in a thread, returns when when server is listening and ready to accept incoming connections. Used for testing, API could change anytime! Do not use!""" return spawn_waitready(self._listen, self.start)[0]
[docs] class OneShotServer(Server): """ A server that handles a single connection (blockingly), and terminates after that Parameters: see :class:`Server` """ def _accept_method(self, sock): try: self._authenticate_and_serve_client(sock) finally: self.close()
[docs] class ThreadedServer(Server): """ A server that spawns a thread for each connection. Works on any platform that supports threads. Parameters: see :class:`Server` """ def _accept_method(self, sock): spawn(self._authenticate_and_serve_client, sock)
[docs] class ThreadPoolServer(Server): """This server is threaded like the ThreadedServer but reuses threads so that recreation is not necessary for each request. The pool of threads has a fixed size that can be set with the 'nbThreads' argument. The default size is 20. The server dispatches request to threads by batch, that is a given thread may process up to request_batch_size requests from the same connection in one go, before it goes to the next connection with pending requests. By default, self.request_batch_size is set to 10 and it can be overwritten in the constructor arguments. Contributed by *@sponce* Parameters: see :class:`Server` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Initializes a ThreadPoolServer. In particular, instantiate the thread pool.''' # get the number of threads in the pool self.nbthreads = kwargs.pop('nbThreads', 20) self.request_batch_size = kwargs.pop('requestBatchSize', 10) # init the parent Server.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # a queue of connections having something to process self._active_connection_queue = Queue.Queue() # a dictionary fd -> connection self.fd_to_conn = {} # a polling object to be used be the polling thread self.poll_object = poll() def _listen(self): if return super(ThreadPoolServer, self)._listen() # setup the thread pool for handling requests self.workers = [] for i in range(self.nbthreads): t = spawn(self._serve_clients) = f"Worker{i}" self.workers.append(t) # setup a thread for polling inactive connections self.polling_thread = spawn(self._poll_inactive_clients) self.polling_thread.setName('PollingThread')
[docs] def close(self): '''closes a ThreadPoolServer. In particular, joins the thread pool.''' # close parent server Server.close(self) # stop producer thread self.polling_thread.join() # cleanup thread pool : first fill the pool with None fds so that all threads exit # the blocking get on the queue of active connections. Then join the threads for _ in range(len(self.workers)): self._active_connection_queue.put(None) for w in self.workers: w.join()
def _remove_from_inactive_connection(self, fd): '''removes a connection from the set of inactive ones''' # unregister the connection in the polling object try: self.poll_object.unregister(fd) except KeyError: # the connection has already been unregistered pass def _drop_connection(self, fd): '''removes a connection by closing it and removing it from internal structs''' conn = None # cleanup fd_to_conn dictionary try: conn = self.fd_to_conn[fd] del self.fd_to_conn[fd] except KeyError: # the active connection has already been removed pass # close connection"Closing connection for fd {fd}") if conn: conn.close() def _add_inactive_connection(self, fd): '''adds a connection to the set of inactive ones''' self.poll_object.register(fd, "reh") def _handle_poll_result(self, connlist): '''adds a connection to the set of inactive ones''' for fd, evt in connlist: try: # remove connection from the inactive ones self._remove_from_inactive_connection(fd) # Is it an error ? if "e" in evt or "n" in evt or "h" in evt: # it was an error, connection was closed. Do the same on our side self._drop_connection(fd) else: # connection has data, let's add it to the active queue self._active_connection_queue.put(fd) except KeyError: # the connection has already been dropped. Give up pass def _poll_inactive_clients(self): '''Main method run by the polling thread of the thread pool. Check whether inactive clients have become active''' while try: # the actual poll, with a timeout of 0.1s so that we can exit in case # we re not active anymore active_clients = self.poll_object.poll(0.1) # for each client that became active, put them in the active queue self._handle_poll_result(active_clients) except Exception: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] # "Caught exception in Worker thread" message self.logger.warning(f"Failed to poll clients, caught exception : {ex}") # wait a bit so that we do not loop too fast in case of error time.sleep(0.2) def _serve_requests(self, fd): '''Serves requests from the given connection and puts it back to the appropriate queue''' # serve a maximum of RequestBatchSize requests for this connection for _ in range(self.request_batch_size): try: if not self.fd_to_conn[fd].poll(): # note that poll serves the request # we could not find a request, so we put this connection back to the inactive set self._add_inactive_connection(fd) return except EOFError: # the connection has been closed by the remote end. Close it on our side and return self._drop_connection(fd) return except Exception: # put back the connection to active queue in doubt and raise the exception to the upper level self._active_connection_queue.put(fd) raise # we've processed the maximum number of requests. Put back the connection in the active queue self._active_connection_queue.put(fd) def _serve_clients(self): '''Main method run by the processing threads of the thread pool. Loops forever, handling requests read from the connections present in the active_queue''' while try: # note that we do not use a timeout here. This is because the implementation of # the timeout version performs badly. So we block forever, and exit by filling # the queue with None fds fd = self._active_connection_queue.get(True) # fd may be None (case where we want to exit the blocking get to close the service) if fd: # serve the requests of this connection self._serve_requests(fd) except Queue.Empty: # we've timed out, let's just retry. We only use the timeout so that this # thread can stop even if there is nothing in the queue pass except Exception: # "Caught exception in Worker thread" message self.logger.exception("failed to serve client, caught exception") # wait a bit so that we do not loop too fast in case of error time.sleep(0.2) def _authenticate_and_build_connection(self, sock): '''Authenticate a client and if it succeeds, wraps the socket in a connection object. Note that this code is cut and paste from the rpyc internals and may have to be changed if rpyc evolves''' # authenticate if self.authenticator: sock, credentials = self.authenticator(sock) else: credentials = None # build a connection addrinfo = sock.getpeername() config = dict(self.protocol_config, credentials=credentials, connid="{}".format(addrinfo), endpoints=(sock.getsockname(), addrinfo)) return sock, self.service._connect(Channel(SocketStream(sock)), config) def _accept_method(self, sock): '''Implementation of the accept method : only pushes the work to the internal queue. In case the queue is full, raises an AsynResultTimeout error''' try: addrinfo = None # authenticate and build connection object sock, conn = self._authenticate_and_build_connection(sock) # put the connection in the active queue addrinfo = sock.getpeername() fd = conn.fileno() self.logger.debug("Created connection to {addrinfo} with fd {fd}") self.fd_to_conn[fd] = conn self._add_inactive_connection(fd) self.clients.clear() except Exception: err_msg = "Failed to serve client for {}, caught exception".format(addrinfo) self.logger.exception(err_msg) sock.close()
[docs] class ForkingServer(Server): """ A server that forks a child process for each connection. Available on POSIX compatible systems only. Parameters: see :class:`Server` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not signal: raise OSError("ForkingServer not supported on this platform") Server.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # setup sigchld handler self._prevhandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self._handle_sigchld)
[docs] def close(self): Server.close(self) signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self._prevhandler)
@classmethod def _handle_sigchld(cls, signum, unused): try: while True: pid, dummy = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) if pid <= 0: break except OSError: pass # re-register signal handler (see man signal(2), under Portability) signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, cls._handle_sigchld) def _accept_method(self, sock): pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: # child try: self.logger.debug("child process created") signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self._prevhandler) # 76: call signal.siginterrupt(False) in forked child signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGCHLD, False) self.listener.close() self.clients.clear() self._authenticate_and_serve_client(sock) except Exception: self.logger.exception("child process terminated abnormally") else: self.logger.debug("child process terminated") finally: self.logger.debug("child terminated") os._exit(0) else: # parent sock.close() self.clients.discard(sock)
[docs] class GeventServer(Server): """gevent based Server. Requires using ``gevent.monkey.patch_all()``.""" def _register(self): if self.auto_register: gevent.spawn(self._bg_register) def _accept_method(self, sock): gevent.spawn(self._authenticate_and_serve_client, sock)