Source code for rpyc.core.vinegar

**Vinegar** ("when things go sour") is a safe serializer for exceptions.
The :data:`configuration parameters <rpyc.core.protocol.DEFAULT_CONFIG>` control
its mode of operation, for instance, whether to allow *old-style* exceptions
(that do not derive from ``Exception``), whether to allow the :func:`load` to
import custom modules (imposes a security risk), etc.

Note that by changing the configuration parameters, this module can be made
non-secure. Keep this in mind.
import sys
import traceback
    import exceptions as exceptions_module
except ImportError:
    import builtins as exceptions_module
    from types import InstanceType, ClassType
except ImportError:
    ClassType = type

from rpyc.core import brine
from rpyc.core import consts
from rpyc import version

REMOTE_LINE_START = "\n\n========= Remote Traceback "
REMOTE_LINE_END = " =========\n"

[docs] def dump(typ, val, tb, include_local_traceback, include_local_version): """Dumps the given exceptions info, as returned by ``sys.exc_info()`` :param typ: the exception's type (class) :param val: the exceptions' value (instance) :param tb: the exception's traceback (a ``traceback`` object) :param include_local_traceback: whether or not to include the local traceback in the dumped info. This may expose the other side to implementation details (code) and package structure, and may theoretically impose a security risk. :returns: A tuple of ``((module name, exception name), arguments, attributes, traceback text)``. This tuple can be safely passed to :func:`brine.dump <rpyc.core.brine.dump>` """ if typ is StopIteration: return consts.EXC_STOP_ITERATION # optimization if type(typ) is str: return typ if include_local_traceback: tbtext = "".join(traceback.format_exception(typ, val, tb)) else: tbtext = "<traceback denied>" attrs = [] args = [] ignored_attrs = frozenset(["_remote_tb", "with_traceback"]) for name in dir(val): if name == "args": for a in val.args: if brine.dumpable(a): args.append(a) else: args.append(repr(a)) elif name.startswith("_") or name in ignored_attrs: continue else: try: attrval = getattr(val, name) except AttributeError: # skip this attr. see issue #108 continue if not brine.dumpable(attrval): attrval = repr(attrval) attrs.append((name, attrval)) if include_local_version: attrs.append(("_remote_version", version.__version__)) else: attrs.append(("_remote_version", "<version denied>")) return (typ.__module__, typ.__name__), tuple(args), tuple(attrs), tbtext
[docs] def load(val, import_custom_exceptions, instantiate_custom_exceptions, instantiate_oldstyle_exceptions): """ Loads a dumped exception (the tuple returned by :func:`dump`) info a throwable exception object. If the exception cannot be instantiated for any reason (i.e., the security parameters do not allow it, or the exception class simply doesn't exist on the local machine), a :class:`GenericException` instance will be returned instead, containing all of the original exception's details. :param val: the dumped exception :param import_custom_exceptions: whether to allow this function to import custom modules (imposes a security risk) :param instantiate_custom_exceptions: whether to allow this function to instantiate "custom exceptions" (i.e., not one of the built-in exceptions, such as ``ValueError``, ``OSError``, etc.) :param instantiate_oldstyle_exceptions: whether to allow this function to instantiate exception classes that do not derive from ``BaseException``. This is required to support old-style exceptions. Not applicable for Python 3 and above. :returns: A throwable exception object """ if val == consts.EXC_STOP_ITERATION: return StopIteration # optimization if type(val) is str: return val # deprecated string exceptions (modname, clsname), args, attrs, tbtext = val if import_custom_exceptions and modname not in sys.modules: try: __import__(modname, None, None, "*") except Exception: pass if instantiate_custom_exceptions: if modname in sys.modules: cls = getattr(sys.modules[modname], clsname, None) else: cls = None elif modname == exceptions_module.__name__: cls = getattr(exceptions_module, clsname, None) else: cls = None if not isinstance(cls, type) or not issubclass(cls, BaseException): cls = None if cls is None: fullname = f"{modname}.{clsname}" # py2: `type()` expects `str` not `unicode`! fullname = str(fullname) if fullname not in _generic_exceptions_cache: fakemodule = {"__module__": f"{__name__}/{modname}"} if isinstance(GenericException, ClassType): _generic_exceptions_cache[fullname] = ClassType(fullname, (GenericException,), fakemodule) else: _generic_exceptions_cache[fullname] = type(fullname, (GenericException,), fakemodule) cls = _generic_exceptions_cache[fullname] cls = _get_exception_class(cls) # support old-style exception classes if ClassType is not type and isinstance(cls, ClassType): exc = InstanceType(cls) else: exc = cls.__new__(cls) exc.args = args for name, attrval in attrs: try: setattr(exc, name, attrval) except AttributeError: # handle immutable attrs (@property) pass # When possible and relevant, warn the user about mismatch in major versions between remote and local remote_ver = getattr(exc, "_remote_version", "<version denied>") if remote_ver != "<version denied>" and remote_ver.split('.')[0] != str(version.version[0]): _warn = '\nWARNING: Remote is on RPyC {} and local is on RPyC {}.\n\n' tbtext += _warn.format(remote_ver, version.__version__) exc._remote_tb = tbtext return exc
[docs] class GenericException(Exception): """A 'generic exception' that is raised when the exception the gotten from the other party cannot be instantiated locally""" pass
_generic_exceptions_cache = {} _exception_classes_cache = {} def _get_exception_class(cls): if cls in _exception_classes_cache: return _exception_classes_cache[cls] # subclass the exception class' to provide a version of __str__ that supports _remote_tb class Derived(cls): def __str__(self): try: text = cls.__str__(self) except Exception: text = "<Unprintable exception>" if hasattr(self, "_remote_tb"): text += REMOTE_LINE.format(self._remote_tb.count(REMOTE_LINE_START) + 1) text += self._remote_tb return text def __repr__(self): return str(self) Derived.__name__ = cls.__name__ Derived.__module__ = cls.__module__ _exception_classes_cache[cls] = Derived return Derived