Source code for rpyc.core.async_

import time  # noqa: F401
from threading import Event
from rpyc.lib import Timeout
from rpyc.lib.compat import TimeoutError as AsyncResultTimeout

[docs] class AsyncResult(object): """*AsyncResult* represents a computation that occurs in the background and will eventually have a result. Use the :attr:`value` property to access the result (which will block if the result has not yet arrived). """ __slots__ = ["_conn", "_is_ready", "_is_exc", "_callbacks", "_obj", "_ttl"] def __init__(self, conn): self._conn = conn self._is_ready = False self._is_exc = None self._obj = None self._callbacks = [] self._ttl = Timeout(None) def __repr__(self): if self._is_ready: state = "ready" elif self._is_exc: state = "error" elif self.expired: state = "expired" else: state = "pending" return f"<AsyncResult object ({state}) at 0x{id(self):08x}>" def __call__(self, is_exc, obj): if self.expired: return self._is_exc = is_exc self._obj = obj self._is_ready = True for cb in self._callbacks: cb(self) del self._callbacks[:]
[docs] def wait(self): """Waits for the result to arrive. If the AsyncResult object has an expiry set, and the result did not arrive within that timeout, an :class:`AsyncResultTimeout` exception is raised""" while self._waiting(): # Serve the connection since we are not ready. Suppose # the reply for our seq is served. The callback is this class # so __call__ sets our obj and _is_ready to true. self._conn.serve(self._ttl, waiting=self._waiting) # Check if we timed out before result was ready if not self._is_ready: raise AsyncResultTimeout("result expired")
def _waiting(self): return not (self._is_ready or self.expired)
[docs] def add_callback(self, func): """Adds a callback to be invoked when the result arrives. The callback function takes a single argument, which is the current AsyncResult (``self``). If the result has already arrived, the function is invoked immediately. :param func: the callback function to add """ if self._is_ready: func(self) else: self._callbacks.append(func)
[docs] def set_expiry(self, timeout): """Sets the expiry time (in seconds, relative to now) or ``None`` for unlimited time :param timeout: the expiry time in seconds or ``None`` """ self._ttl = Timeout(timeout)
@property def ready(self): """Indicates whether the result has arrived""" if self._is_ready: return True if self.expired: return False self._conn.poll_all() return self._is_ready @property def error(self): """Indicates whether the returned result is an exception""" return self.ready and self._is_exc @property def expired(self): """Indicates whether the AsyncResult has expired""" return not self._is_ready and self._ttl.expired() @property def value(self): """Returns the result of the operation. If the result has not yet arrived, accessing this property will wait for it. If the result does not arrive before the expiry time elapses, :class:`AsyncResultTimeout` is raised. If the returned result is an exception, it will be raised here. Otherwise, the result is returned directly. """ self.wait() if self._is_exc: raise self._obj else: return self._obj