Theory of Operation

This is a short outline of the “Theory of Operation” of RPyC. It will introduce the main concepts and terminology that’s required in order to understand the library’s internals.


The most fundamental concept of computer programming, which almost all operating systems share, is the process. A process is a unit of code and data, contained within an address space – a region of (virtual) memory, owned solely by that process. This ensures that all processes are isolated from one another, so that they could run on the same hardware without interfering to each other. While this isolation is essential to operating systems and the programming model we normally use, it also has many downsides (most of which are out of the scope of this document). Most importantly, from RPyC’s perspective, processes impose artificial boundaries between programs which forces programs to resort to monolithic structuring.

Several mechanism exist to overcome these boundaries, most notably remote procedure calls. Largely speaking, RPCs enable one process to execute code (“call procedures”) that reside outside of its address space (in another process) and be aware of their results. Many such RPC frameworks exist, which all share some basic traits: they provide a way to describe what functions are exposed, define a serialization format, transport abstraction, and a client-side library/code-generator that allows clients utilize these remote functions.

RPyC is yet another RPC. However, unlike most RPCs, RPyC is transparent. This may sound like a rather weird virtue at first – but this is the key to RPyC’s power: you can “plug” RPyC into existing code at (virtually) no cost. No need to write complicated definition files, configure name servers, set up transport (HTTP) servers, or even use special invocation syntax – RPyC fits the python programming model like a glove. For instance, a function that works on a local file object will work seamlessly on a remote file object – it’s duck-typing to the extreme.

An interesting consequence of being transparent is symmetry – there’s no longer a strict notion of what’s a server as opposed to what’s a client – both the parties may serve requests and dispatch replies; the server is simply the party that accepts incoming connections – but other than that, servers and clients are identical. Being symmetrical opens the doors to lots of previously unheard-of features, like callback functions.

The result of these two properties is that local and remote objects are “equal in front of the code”: your program shouldn’t even be aware of the “proximity” of object it is dealing with. In other words, two processes connected by RPyC can be thought of as a single process. I like to say that RPyC unifies the address space of both parties, although physically, this address space may be split between several computers.


The notion of address-space unification is mostly true for “classic RPyC”; with new-style RPyC, where services dominate, the analogy is of “unifying selected parts of the address space”.

In many situations, RPyC is employed in a master-slave relation, where the “client” takes full control over the “server”. This mainly allows the client to access remote resources and perform operations on behalf of the server. However, RPyC can also be used as the basis for clustering and distributed computing: an array of RPyC servers on multiple machines can form a “huge computer” in terms of computation power.


This would require some sort of framework to distribute workload and guarantee task completion. RPyC itself is just the mechanism.



A major concept in the implementation of RPyC is boxing, which is a form of serialization (encoding) that transfers objects between the two ends of the connection. Boxing relies on two methods of serialization:

  • By Value - simple, immutable python objects (like strings, integers, tuples, etc.) are passed by value, meaning the value itself is passed to the other side. Since their value cannot change, there is no restriction on duplicating them on both sides.

  • By Reference - all other objects are passed by reference, meaning a “reference” to the object is passed to the other side. This allows changes applied on the referencing (proxy) object to be reflected on the actual object. Passing objects by reference also allows passing of “location-aware” objects, like files or other operating system resources.

On the other side of the connection, the process of unboxing takes place: by-value data is converted (“deserialized”) to local objects, while by-reference data is converted to object proxies.

Object Proxying

Object proxying is a technique of referencing a remote object transparently: since the remote object cannot be transferred by-value, a reference to it is passed. This reference is then wrapped by a special object, called a proxy that “looks and behaves” just like the actual object (the target). Any operation performed on the proxy is delivered transparently to the target, so that code need not be aware of whether the object is local or not.


RPyC uses the term netref (network reference) for a proxy object

Most of the operations performed on object proxies are synchronous, meaning the party that issued the operation on the proxy waits for the operation to complete. However, sometimes you want asynchronous mode of operation, especially when invoking remote functions which might take a while to return their value. In this mode, you issue the operation and you will later be notified of its completion, without having to block until it arrives. RPyC supports both methods: proxy operations, are synchronous by default, but invocation of remote functions can be made asynchronous by wrapping the proxy with an asynchronous wrapper.


In older versions of RPyC, up to version 2.60 (now referred to as classic RPyC), both parties had to “fully trust” each other and be “fully cooperative” – there was no way to limit the power of one party over the other. Either party could perform arbitrary operations on the other, and there was no way to restrict it.

RPyC 3.0 introduced the concept of services. RPyC itself is only a “sophisticated transport layer” – it is a mechanism, it does not set policies. RPyC allows each end of the connection to expose a (potentially different) service that is responsible for the “policy”, i.e., the set of supported operations. For instance, classic RPyC is implemented by the SlaveService, which grants arbitrary access to all objects. Users of the library may define their own services, to meet their requirements.