API Reference


  • Brine - A simple and fast serialization format for immutable data (numbers, string, tuples, etc.). Brine is the “over-the-wire” encoding format of RPyC.

  • Vinegar - A configurable serializer for exceptions. Vinegar extracts the exception’s details and stores them in a brine-friendly format.

IO Layer

  • Streams - The stream layer (byte-oriented, platform-agnostic streams)

  • Channel - The channel layer (framing and compression)


  • Protocol - The RPyC protocol (Connection class)

  • Service - The RPyC service model

  • Netref - Implementation of transparent object proxies (netrefs)

  • Async - Asynchronous object proxies (netrefs)


  • Server - The core implementation of RPyC servers; includes the implementation of the forking and threaded servers.

  • Registry - Implementation of the Service Registry; the registry is a bonjour-like discovery agent, with which RPyC servers register themselves, and allows clients to locate different servers by name.

  • Authenticators - Implementation of two common authenticators, for SSL and TLSlite.


  • Factories - general-purpose connection factories (over pipes, sockets, SSL, SSH, TLSlite, etc.)

  • Classic - Classic-mode factories and utilities

  • Helpers - Various helpers (timed, async_, buffiter, BgServingThread, etc.)


  • Zero-Deploy RPyC - Deploy short-living RPyC servers on remote machines with ease - all you’ll need is SSH access and a Python interpreter installed on the host